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Friday, January 10, 2014

Exo Showtime ep.7

Hello readers, Did you all check out the new episodes of Exo Showtime? if not here is the link, you should really watch this is it's so funny and if you haven't watched the previous episodes you really should! They are so daebak!!!
Exo Showtime ep.7 (sub eng) -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6da-ZGEg7n0&feature=youtu.be

Here are all sub eng -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3av_8JAJKOyjaAmlrTySAQ

What was your funniest part of this episodes or of the previous ones? Comment down your answer 

Here are some of the most funny photos and gifs of that episode :D

                        hahahah Lay, wanting to go to  Baekhyung's grandmother's house
Baekhyun is so evil...
aww so cute! they decorated and hang their own locks 
The series of poses they did 
Just look at them....so cute 
                                                                  LOL... Luhan please....

Hope you all can watch this episode... I really enjoyed it a lot 


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