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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

BJD Update: new eyes (Etsy) review, unboxing

Hello guys. Today I'll review one of my new orders from Etsy. The things I bought for my BJD are 2 pair of eyes. This is one of the fondamentals for a Doll. I admit that I had a hard time to find the right ones, they were eather too expensive or I didn't like them so I tried this seller on Etsy: CandyKittensEmporium (https://www.etsy.com/shop/CandyKittensEmporium)
There are a lot of different eyes on the store so check it out :D

This is the cute package it came with

 The eyes I got are: Pixie Dust and Mocking Jay (14mm)


Here you can see Lilyah wearing both of them 

These are the Mocking Jay

These are the Pixie Dust

Overall I really love them both a lot. The Mocking Jay look like the galaxy and the colors are just so pretty and one is different than the other.
The Pixie Dust look so good on her. they look even brighter on camera. They make her face look brighter and softer. These eyes actually don't fit with any hair. I found out that they don't look good with the blonde wig of the first picture.
I'm so happy with them the only thing that I'm unconcern about is the shape of them. They're flat based. I would prefer them to be a round shape.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my post.
For more info about the eyes just visit the seller's etsy.

Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 KBS Gayo Daechukje link

Hey guys. Did you miss the live show of the Gayo Festival? Well, don't worry you can watch the performances here on this link :D

Here there are all the single performances of different artists. I really enjoyed the show. There were so many idols I was so excited :] So check it out if you would like to see it.

Sorry for the short post :/
Hope I helped ^_^

Lilyah's wigs (Fairyland wig + Fur wig) review

Hello guys! Today I want to share with you Lilyah's wigs. I have 4 wigs for her. 3 are from Etsy and 1 from Fairyland.

The wig from Fairyland is the "MFW-22 Pink for MiniFee". It's very nice and it looks so cute on her.

 It's made with a good quality material and it's not straight but wavy. 
I really like the color too and it's easy to style.
To wear it I didn't use a wig cap because it fits her perfectly and doesn't move.
This wig I purhcased it when I bought Lilyah so it came with her.

The other 3 wigs are Fur wigs, which mean that are made out of Fur xD
They're really soft and have a lot of volume. I so love them because they're easy to style and you can style them how you want and the best thing is that they're VERY VERY soft <3<3
I love to touch them xD
The wigs I bought them from an Etsy seller :CustomCritterDesigns (https://www.etsy.com/shop/CustomCritterDesigns?ref=l2-shopheader-name)
The seller is super, duper nice and replied to all my questions.
The cool thing is that she has a good variety of colors and there isn't just one color for one wig, but you can have 2 or 3 colors! (Love it)

The wigs I bought were: 
MNF Blonde extension wig, 
MNF Pink extension wig, 
MNF Framing Bangs Fur Wig (pink and brown)

 I really really love these wigs so much and I'm planning to buy again :D
They all look so good and are well made

If you want more info just go check the seller's Etsy ^^
Hope you enjoyed my post
(I bought these wigs so I'm not promoting anything)

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Lilyah's face up

Hello guys! Today I wanted to share with you my experience of doing a face up to my new BJD (Lilyah). I was so excited to do it. To tell you the truth it wasn't so simple. I actually did it 2 times. The first time I was sick and didn't know what to do (I know I should've rested but I'm weird) so I decided to go for it. I don't have experience neither I'm a professional but I did my best. I tried to do it as closer as what I had in mind... but in my opinion I failed. It didn't feel right.. something was wrong... I'll just show it to you.

Plain sculpt
                  FIRST TRY                                                                                   SECOND TRY

I'm very happy of the result now... It might not be perfect but it works good :D
To redo the face up I had to remove the one before and I had to much trouble doing so >_<
BUT at the end all my hard work was payed :]

If you're wondering what materials I used...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (late sorry)


This is my christmas tree :D

Quick update

Hello guys. I just wanted to tell you all that from now on there is a new member in my family. Her name is Lilyah and she's my BJD :D I'll give her a lot of space here in my blog because I just found out this passion of mine and finally can show it to everyone. I hope you all will enjoy it with me :]

My baby is finally here!!! (Fairyland Minifee Chloe) unboxing, review

Hello guys!!!! I have a wonderful and exciting news! My MOST waited order has finally come! I'm talking about my BJD. If you never heard of this name it stands for "Ball Jointed Doll". You may think what does that mean and what is special about it, WELL... These dolls (compared to normal ones you buy at the shop) are called like so because they "move" their joints. By saying this I mean that you're able to bend their knees, arms, torso... (I find it super cool) Also these dolls are considered for collection. It's also considered an art or hobby. You can purchase them in different sites and buy them with a full set or "naked" and do their face-up (paint their face)...BUT all this is VERY expensive because thy're handmade and made of a high quality resin... There are a lot of things to buy but I'm not going to talk about this now.
I purchased my BJD at a Korean company called Fairyland. (http://dollfairyland.com/index.php) By BJD is a Minifee a la carte Girl (Active line) with Cutie legs and bust with Chloe head.
I'm so excited I can't wait to show her to you guys!
I purchased her the 14/10/25 (06:22) and received her the 14/12/15 (It took this long because they had to assemble her and all) I'm sorry I didn't review her right away. I have to confess that I did pay a lot of money once she arrived my house... that was the only thing I was worried about.

Here she is :D

She came in a LARGE box. I was so shocked by how big it was

 She was very well packed, all safe and full of paper and soft thing so she wouldn't break.

This is the box she came with

 This is her :D

She's so pretty!! I love her body so much!
Her skin color is Natural.
I confess that I never saw a BJD in real life, only in pictures and I can say that I love her so much!
I was so unconcern about her size (she's a MSD or 1/4) I actually thought she was small...but once I opened the box and saw her...she looked bigger! 
One thing I'm having trouble with is her right leg. I'm not sure why but it keeps on turning inwords and not staying straight but if I move it it will stay straight but sometimes it moves on it's own. and another thing is that when I put her in sitting position she looks like she's leaning backwards, but only because her back is curved but it doesn't bother me. 
Overall she poses very well and it's easy to mover her arround and dress her. Her body is perfect. I didn't sopt any marks on the resin or else. Really well made <3
I still can't believe that she can stand! It's so unusual for me xD
Her hands are so lovely and preacious. (They're #9 hands)

This is the sculpt. It's a Chloe head. Personally I like this sculpt the most. I love her lips and the eye shape. 
She came with a random eye color, in this case brown.
On the second pic. you can see the inside of the head with the eyes in. It looks like she has magnets but not sure what they're there for...
I love the details of the head so much. I'm just in love with it <3

I cannot believe she's here with me... I'm just too excited! I'm planning on buying lods of things for her and who knows a sister may come in next :]
I hope you all enjoyed my reviewand look forward for more BJD updates :D

Sunday, December 14, 2014

New style?

Hello guys! I finally decided, after thinking over and over, (with my friend's help) to cut my hair! Not just 1 cm or 2... but 50! Yes... you read right. I decided to change complitelly haircut with a short one. Once I whent to the hairdresser I was so excited and scared to cut so much but YOLO!
The hairstyle I did is called bob. It's not very short but ubove the shoulders. I'm so.... happy I decided to cut them short because I seriously needed a change and for my hair too! I grew them for 4 years and got bored of them. Now they're more healthy :D
I'm still not so used of them. I search for them... like I keep on wanting to pull the out of my shirts when there is no need xD I feel so silly. They're easier to keep and they feel VERY soft <3
I can't wait to start a new day with them xD and to create new hairstyles.

This is me right now 

Right now I actually dyed my hair into dark brown because I want to get rid of the red in my hair... I'm tired of it too...

Overall I'm very happy and I find myself cuter ^_^ (even tho my mom says I look older...)
What do you think about it?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Kledi Dance school " Spazio Diamante" experience in Rome (6-8/12)

Hello guys! I'm so pumped in telling you my dance experience in the famous Kledi Dance school called "Spazio Diamante" in Rome. There were these 3 days (6,7,8 december) where you could study dance with famous dancers. Since this event is one in a life time I decided to go for it. Com on who wouldn't want to have a lesson with famous dancers... (some teachers are judges in the famous Itaian Tv program called "Amici"). I went with my dance school where I live since our school is a sunsidiary of Kledi's school.
Day 1 (saturday 6 december) 

We all met at the train station at 6:15 so guess what time I woke up...at 5... We had the train at 6:35. It took us 6 hours to get to Rome. It was a long way. All I did was read my wondeful book :D. Once we arrived we all went to the hotel. We had to walk a bit to get there. This hotel wasn't a real hotel but the rooms were like little apartments. They also had a small kitchen and the one I was taying was the Attic. Oh yeah :D 
Since we arrived late we went to eat lunch. (I'm going to tell you the ones I did)
 Our first lesson was at 4:00-5:30 pm. We were divided in groups. There was a group from age 8-15 (you could actually go to any group, depending on your skill lvl) where it was simple base dance, and the older group where there were all the older ones with high skills (high knowledge). The first lesson was ballet with Maria Lia Falcone. She's a ballet teacher and she's REALLY good! She made us do a lot of exercise on the bar and without. She's really talented and she's so kind. She even once came to our dance school to give us some lessons :D

The second lesson was at 5:30-7 pm with Alice Cimoroni. She's an Hip Hop teacher. I never ever tried to do hip hop so I was a bit worried but I so love it! Threw our dance lesson she kept on giving us a lot of energy by making us warm up at scream :D It was so much fun! She's REALLY talented and I love her SO much! With her we did a REALLY awesome choreography to the song "All I do is Win". I'm so in love with her <3 (I miss her now) She's really friendly and how I said she gives you that energy to dance even tho you're tired. She made me love hip hop now...<3<3
And this is the end of day 1. After class I went straight to bed because I was kind of tired... Btw we took A LOT of pictures during class so I'll try to put on some. 

Day 2 (Sunday 7 December)

On this day we had an intense dance class. The first lesson was at 12:30-2:00 pm with Alessandra Celentano. She's well known on the Amici program as the stirct ballet teacher. She usually gets mad all the time and really picky. We actually didn't go directly to class but we all met at 7:15 to go visit the Colosseum. We went there and had a free ticket to go visit it! How awesome is that? We looked a little arround the Colosseum and took lots of pictures :D Here i almost lost my soul because you cannot imagine how many people there was and best of all there were A LOT of Korean people! I was so spazzing out and listening to them xD They were always taking selcas and were so open (they talked all the time and spoke loudly!) I was so excited!! (even more then seeing the Colosseum LOL) There were a lot international people there! I was so surprised!

After seeing arround we decided to go shopping. The first stop was at the Disney Store. There were SO MANY people there you could barely go out the shop. It wasn't very big but it was very nice. They mainly had Frozen things and Mickey Mouse. I so wanted a Monster&Co Mike Puppet, but they were sold out D; 

After we went to the Hard Rock Caffè shop. There I bought A LOT (3 things xD) I spent so much there! I bought a jumper, pants and a T-shirt. (going to show them ina different post) 

At the end time of the lessons had come. We went to the school and we did the lesson with the teacher. Alessandra Celentano may look bad in TV but she's actually VERY friendly and you can totally see hoe much she loves her job. She taught us so many different things that I didn't actually know and think about. Small details make the thing. I'm so thankful to her.

Lesson 2 was at 4:00-5:30 pm with Kledi Kadiu. He's a modern dance teacher. He's actually the owner of our dance school and the owner of the schools in Rome and other places in Italy. I love him so much! He's so awesome! He's kind, friendly, talented, handsome <3 lol. With him we did a very nice choreography that for sure I won't forget. I so love the way he dances and would watch him forever. His body is so perfect and I love it! He also taught us little details that helps you become better. In this class there were so many people we barely fit in the room. We had to split in 4 groups and one at a time we did the choreo. so he could see us, but actually he told us he didn't pay attention to the ones in the middle doing the work but at the people on the side. He wanted to see our reaction if we were just waiting our turn or thinking and doing the choreo again and again to make it perfect and to help us remember it. Kledi told us that we shouldn't just copy a choreography but DO it. We should also be precise and make it ours by taking ispiration from others.

Lesson 3 was from 5:30- 7:00 pm with Gianluca Lanzillotta. He's as well a modern dance teacher. With him we did a FANTASTIC choreography. One thing caught my eye when we were doing the lesson, it's that he's so passionate and fluid with the movements he looked like an Angel <3<3 He said to us that we all should feel the music, the floor, and personalize it. I so love him <3

The last lesson was at 7:00-8:30 pm with Emiliano D'Angelo. He's a break dance teacher. Can you imagine me dancing break dance?? I was so pumped in trying it because I've never seen a break dancer in my life! We started by doing a simple combination. We did the 6 Step, then the 2 step and the Freeze. we actually did free steps before, basic ones, then we went on the floor. They're not so difficulty once you get the hand of them :D When Emiliano showed us how it would look like.... I was so amazed by him. He's such a pro! I wish I could do those too! I tried so many times my hands were aking... The Freeze is kind of difficult because you have to lift yourself with one hand and leaning on your head. Overall I had so much fun and he's so funny and cool and awesome. At the end of the lesson we did a circle (just like how you see in the movies) were who wanted went in the middle and danced what we've learned. He went first...and...WOW he's gorgeaus. Really talented and awesome!
At the end we all went to a party where everybody was (teachers and students) It was kind of a buffet where you got your own food. Here we had a lot of fun talking to the teachers. (there was actually only Kledi and Maria Lia) We went to sleep really late this day...it was like 00:30 am. I was so tired and my feet hurted so much! >_<

Day 3 Monday 8 December

My journey has come to an end. This was the last day at Rome. The first lesson was at 10:00-11:30 am with Giovanni Martelletta. He's a ballet teacher. With him we did some exercises and different ways to do a piroette. I think he's a really good teacher and I worked so much!

Second lesson was at 11:30-1:00 pm with Kledi again. We did a new choreography. It was totally different from the other one but it was really good. I'm so happy we got to learn a lot of choreographies during these 3 days and for sure won't forget them. At the end of the class I aked him to sign my shirt and he did so. So kind of him (he actually did that with a lot of girls. Everyone wanted a picture and his sign) 

The last class was at 1:30- 3:00 pm with Francesca Checchini. She's another Hip Hop teacher but her style is different. She's more into the sexy way. LOVE IT! With her we dnaced to the song "Flawless" by Beyoncè. I so love this choreography I keep on doing it even today :D She's too very energetic and a great talented dancer. She gave us a lot of energy and she's funny too <3 ;D The only sad thing was that I had to leave 15 mins early because I had to take the train at 4:34 pm and my teacher was scared I wouldn't make it to the train so obviously had to leave 1 hour early.... no logic... (I actually did this class alone because of this problem). I think the Hip Hop classes were my fave. I had so much fun and never wanted them to end. I so miss them D:

So this is the end of my lovelly journey in Rome at the wonderful "Spazio Diamante" school. I so miss it right now. I want to go back there!!!! >_< Wish it did last longer... but I'm at the same time really happy that I had this opportunity to study with famous dancers and learned a lot form them. 
I'm so thankful to them. <3 I'm so looking into the future to go back there one day.... Oh! At the school there were so many good dancers! I wish one day to become even better then them, so I'll work on it from now on. Will keep in mind all the things they told us and will never forget it!
I'm actually writing this so hopefully I'll remember this awesome experience in Rome and will always remember their advises!

Thank you Kledi Dance!