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Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy Birthday KAI ♥

Hello readers, how you'll all know today is Exo kai's Birthday!!! He just turned 20! (korean age). All fandoms are spamming about him on twitter and #.HappyJonginDay was trending worldwide No.1!!! Isn't that amazing! everybody gathered to celebrate and wish Kai a Happy Birthday. I personally joined too :D I'm so curious of the presents he received. Even if I can't give him a present I would write him a letter saying all my wishes and maybe buy him clothes like a T-shirt or a cap. So sad this can't happen :( What will you guys send him or did send him? But anyway I'm here to wish him a really Happy Birthday with lots of love, happiness, fortune, strenght and health. Hope the members organized him a secret party or maybe bought a cake. Hope they'll made a video for it even if I'm not so sure. Well here is my present for him, it might not be expensive or anything but I did it with my heart and used time to make it as perfect as I can. So here it is :)

     Yes correct it's a collage! :D Do you like it? I hope so.
     Now i'll be spamming some photos of Kai :D


                                                                    Love to see him dance.






                                                                              that lip....


                                                                           that tongue!!!

Hope you all enjoyed my Kai spam. I bet you saved at least one pic. Am I right :D
After this spam I'm just so dead... He's so good looking >_<
Anyway again, Happy Birthday Kai!!!

Please subscribe to my blog and see you all next time with another post.


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