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Saturday, October 18, 2014

BTS- Dark & Wild album review, unboxing

Hello guys! Today I'll be sharing my lastest album that I bought. The album I'm talking about is BTS's (BangTan Boys) "Dark & Wild" Album. I'm so happy that I received, even if it came late because of a festival we had here... so annoing... But I now have it here! I'm excited because I have all of their albums and I HAD to have this one and the song "Danger" is AWESOME!

Here it is!

This is the front cover

It's so pretty. The rainbow effect is so cool!

These is the track list

Once I opened the album... Guess what I found. J-Hoop  ♡
♡ I'm so happy I finally got him!! ♡

This is the photobook


The CD
  I like the sentences on the side
" I wanna be loved so bad!" My heart is full of you"

These are the photocards 
So cute!  ♡_♡

Aren't they so handsome??

I really enjoyed listening to this album very much! The album has 14 tracks! I would never imagine that there were so many! Usually albums have 5-7 tracks. They really worked hard ♡ I like most of the songs, they are really unique and entrateining! 
The thing I like most of this album is the photobook because every page it has a different love sentence. The sentences are so lovely and romantic like ♡ I laughed reading them xD I also loved their photos. They're so handsome! >_< They came out so good!
I'm so happy that they didn't disappoint me, they never do. My fave. track is of course "Danger" I REALLY LOVE that song so much! It's just PERFECT!
I would recommend this album to anybody that likes rap because this album has a lot of it and I really liked it
I would rate it ☆☆☆☆☆
Just so awesome

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