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Friday, October 3, 2014

D.I.Y.- TEA Latte

Did you even have those days where you didn't know what to do? Well I had one and tried to experiment something I never tried to do before. Tea with Milk. I know in some places it's pretty common and you'll be thinking it's pretty lame, but for me it was a new thing.

-1 mug of green tea (I bet it works with any other type)
-1/4 of milk (i used my mug to measure)
-2 tbsp of condenced milk or any other sweateners


-First of all prepair your tea and let it cool down.
-Put the sweatener and the milk together in a cup and mix

-After the tea cooled down add it with the milk

 -Mix well and you're DONE!!

Easy, sweet, relaxing drink. 
I really like this combination of "milk" and tea

Hopw you enjoyed and will try this in the future :D

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