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Sunday, May 31, 2015

EXO REPACKAGE ALBUM? (EXO Vol.2 Repackage- Love Me Right)


Unfortunately there aren't so many news about it and the tracks aren't revealed yet, but I'm totally excited and who knows there might be a review on it.. :D
The onlt thing we know (actually see) is this picture...
I'm so curious!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Tasting weird food: Lemon Oreos?

Hello and welcome to my new series of "TASTING WEIRD FOOD". Today's food is actually a snack. It's Lemon Oreos? I know in America there are so many different tastes of Oreos but where I live it's rare to find any. The ones I got today I found them at an Asian grocery shop. I never saw anything like this. I wasn't even sure they were lemon flavor becuase I couldn't read the package but from the picture it looked like lemon cake? Also to notice that they are thin and not thick as the usual ones. I was so excited to try them :D

This is how they package looked like

Isn't the package so cute? 
There were 2 little packages inside the box ^^

The images made me so hungry >-<

They surprisingly tasted pretty good! They tasted like lemon but even though they were thin they had a very strong taste. They were very sweet (love it) but had that artificial taste to it. It was a very nice snack since I was in a hurry :) I would like to find other flavours to try. It was very fun though to experience a different taste instead of the usual one.

Hope you enjoyed this post and thank you for reading

Mother's Day cake idea: Healthy Carrot Cake

Have you ever had the problem of not knowing what cake to give to your mom and you're tired of the same ones? Well you're reading the right post.

Today I'll share with you my Carrot Cake recipe. 


-256 gr of all purpose flour (aproximately 2 cups)
-5 medium carrots
-2 eggs
-2 tsp of baking soda
-A handfull of chopped wallnuts (can vary as your taste)
-1 tsp of cinnamon
-A pinch of salt
-Lemon peal
-1 or 2 tbsp of agaven sirup (can put sugar too)
-150 ml of soymilk


-Peel and grate thinly the carrots.

-Mix flour, wallnuts, baking powder together
-Mix Milk, agaven sirup, carrots, salt, cinnamon, lemon peal and eggs together
-When well mixed combine the two and mix well
-Preheat oven at 180°C

 -Pour in a cake tray

-Cook in the oven. Once in a while check with a toothpick and if it comes clear then it's ready!


-Cut and serve

How easy was that? When my mom knew I was making her a cake she was bragging it to all her friends xD She really liked it. It really smelled very good because of the cinnamon and the lemon. 
It's soft and crunchy at the same time :) 

I hope you can try it yourself and enjoy it anytime.
Thank you for reading 

KPOP TIME: EXO- Exodus album D.O. Ver. (unboxing + comment)

Hello world! Welcome to my new series called " KPOP TIME" (sorry had no imagination...) This series simply consists in me commenting and showing you all kpop albums. You might be thinking that I already did something like that, well I just wanted it to have a name ^-^ (I know it's boring, sorry)  

Today's album I'll unbox and comment is: EXO's "Exodus 2nd Album Korean Member CD" When I ordered it I didn't have the opportunity to choose what member I got (I actually could but didn't see that option...-_-) so it was a surprise.

The member who I got was D.O.
Here is how the album looks.
The Korean Ver. is the gold ver. Instead for the Chinese ver. it's white.
All members are available and if you have them all and put them together in the right order something magic will happen. The EXO logo will appear xD

This is the original picture of the cover of the album.

 As you may know wach album has a photocard inside. I was expecting to get DO's one since it was DO's ver. but I surprisingly got Chanyeol! <3<3
I was so happy! 
Look how cute he is *-*

This is how the inside looks like.
Whatever member you choose the photoalbum will change according to that.
(I actually thought there were all members)
So since I got DO's ver. the photoalbum has ONLY DO's pictures since it's focused on him.

 Because of the issue I had (not being able to get my bias album) I ordered another one of my bias. I seriously didn't know the whole album was focused on the cover member. I seriously wanted to have my bias so couldn't resist not buying it. Overall I'm totally in love with this EXO once again. Everytime they release an album/MV I just fall more in love with them.

This is the song list.
I love all of them, seriously.

Here are the other Member Ver. you can get.

Little preview for all of you. I did buy a new copy of this album but not only that. There are a bunch of other things in my order... Can you guess?

We came to an end. Thank you for reading and keep on following me to know what else I bought and for more posts ^-^

Unboxing: Fairyland Feeple 60 (Celine head) (review)

Hello guys! I'm finally back with a new unboxing post!!!! I'll be honest here, this unboxing is kind of old because I did receive the package 8 weeks ago so I'm sorry if this is so late but I really had no time BUT now I'm back :D I really wanted to review her so much because it's such a nice feeling to have her and I love her. You might be thinking of what am I talking about (even though you saw the title), well I'm talking about Fairyland's Feeple60. I already own a Minifee (check my previews post) and I really wanted to own a Feeple60 one too because they looked so gorgeous and I simply wanted another one. Fairyland was doing this event thing that they had the Feeple60s back in stock so I couldn't not buy her. Moving on lets start the review and unboxing ^-^

She came in a HUGE box (I mean it)
I could barely lift it (jk)

This is how the inside looks like

Surprisingly They included a calendar with all the pictures of the dolls they released.
It's so cute

Finally here I could open the box (with some strugles) 
There she is!
Isn't she so gorgeous?
She looked so big once I first saw her because I was so used to my Minifee and seeing a Feeple60 for the first time was so shocking.

This is the Celine head. She's so gorgeous *-*
She came with blue eyes, not bad.

Lilyah was there with me looking at her sis ^-^

 She has a huge hight difference with Lilyah.
Compared to my Feeple60, Lilyah looks like a little kid xD
(Sorry for the nudity)

 So we came to an end of this review. Overall I'm so happy with my purchase (even though I spent so much money >_< but totally worth it) Her whole body's amazing, she stands amazingly, poses even better than the Minifee. I honestly think that Feeple60s are better than Minifees in terms of body because the Feeple60 I can perfectly make her sit straight, instead my Minifee it's hard to make her sit straight (only issue). Another weird thing was her head cap. You may see in the last picture that there is like a gap. I don't know how that happened and her head is slightly wobbly if I shake it but not that much to not stay straight so it doesn't really bother me that much. In the end  I would definitely buy again but maybe I would go for a male or another brand. I'll see.

I made a video of me unboxing her so if you guys want me to post it then comment and support me. I would be happy to show it to you ^^. 

For more updates follow of her or more posts, follow me or keep an eye on my blog/instagram ^^
Thank you for reading 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Anime/Manga art

Hello guys! Today I wanted to just talk to you all. I haven't been updating my blog for so long, BUT I have a reason. I have been into drawing lately, that that's all I've been doing. I never knew I wanted to go this far but I love to draw and recently color. I used to only draw and ink my works, but now my markers arrived waaay from Japan and I can finally use them ^-^. I started posting my art works on Instagram (beforever_kawaii) so feel free to check them out and I started a Deviantart (Lilyah1123). I'm so pumped in starting this little hobby of mine. I love to do it and this is what matters.
I hope you all will support me and check my art.
Have a wonderful day ^-^