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Monday, February 24, 2014

Korilakkuma key decoration

Hello readers, Unfortunally I'm still sick but still had to do something :) i was thinking of what to do and I made a Korilakkuma key :D. I'm so in love with Korilakkuma, I find it so cute! Just love it. I was looking at my keys (don's ask me why lol) and I found them boring...so I decided to decorate them, now that I'm into polymer clay charms (cabochons) i wanted to do something to it and said, why not do a Korilakkuma key. And so I did. I'm proud of myself and I love my keys now. They will match with my phone case and pouch (once I'll get them)
I ordered more squishies :] and can't wait to get them (I oredered other stuff too) 
And here is my new key :)

Close up

                                                                      Isn't it so cute? 

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed and If you want a tutorial for this comment. See you next time Bye...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sick ;(

Hello readers, I have a bad news... I got sick... ;( and now I'm at home resting in pain :( I hope you all won't get sick like me... Thankfully I have my squishies with me :) (it was taken 1 week ago) 


                                    I'll see you soon when I'll get better.

My new squishy collection + Review

Hello readers, how are you all?? Haven't posted something in ages and a lot of things happened like Exo ST has sadly come to an end ;( I'm so sad.... It' feel so empty without them making me laugh all the time... They were starting to show their real self... I really hope there is a season 2! It would be great! Coming to other news i received A LOT of parcels the last and this week! I was over excited because everyday I got at least something :D I got all the shirts I ordered, two albums and.... My latest addiction.... Squishies!!!!! 
At first I didn't know what those were but now I love them!!!! They are so cute and adorable. I started collecting them and I ordered from different sites so I hope they'll come in quickly :) I already got 4 of them and today I' be revewing them. The squishies are these:

From left to right:
Jumbo Blush Bun : grills ($3.99)
Sesame Bun   ($3.49)
Cracking Squishy  ($4.49)
Roti Toast: Authentic  ($9.99)

They Are all really cute and nice... I really love them. I'll rank them from the most squishy to the least: Jumbo Blush Bun, Roti Toast, Sesame Bun, Cracking Squishy. 
Well the Cracking Squishy it's not supposed to be a lot Squishy because it is supposed to crack and I can say that it's perfect. It looks like a real cracker and the cracking sound is so cool, love it. 
The Jumbo Bun....what can I say....it's the squishiest I ever saw and tuched.... When you squish it it comes up so....slow I didn't even believe it and kept squishing it :D I TOTALLY LOVE IT. I'm really happy I got it because I was not sure to buy it or not....but it wasn't a waste... It smelles good it's big and it was cheap too so I'm really happy that I bought it. The Roti Toast is really squishy but not as much as the Jumbo bun. It smells like bread and love the packaging. It even says you can use it to hold you phone or Ipod or anything. Super cute the face too. 
The Sesame Bun is squishy but less then the first ones but still really realistic and smells like bread. It has sesame seeds on it... I would definitelly eat it if I didn't know it's not edible :] 
I do not regret buying them and I would definitelly buy then again... Probably the Jumbo Blush Bun the most :)
Here is a close up to all of them:
Sesame Bun

Roti Toast

Cracking Squishy

Jumbo Blush Bun

This is all I have for now. Hope it was helpfull and I'm looking forward to more squishy review. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. BYE see you on the next post.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

[Meet&Greet] GOT7 ‘GOT IT?’ Video

I found a video where you can watch the live of the Meet&Greet of GOT7... I wanted to share these links with you so we can all watch it (and die together)
It's pretty good but unfortunally not all of it...
Here they were singing Playground for the fans
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9eiBnhIhp0
I really enjoed this Meet&Greet with them because they are so funny and O M G their english is so perfect! Jackson and Mark are just.... omg can't even describe.... Jackson is so damn perfect, and when they watched the reaction of their MV and the fans got shocked of Jackson's pelvic more (if you can call it like that) and he did that again... I fainted to death...like seriously... I can't....
Anyway, thanks for reading and see you on my next post. Love you all! Bye

[Meet&Greet] GOT7 ‘GOT IT?’

OMG!!!! I got choosed again!!!!! I participated at the Meet&Greet with GOT7 and they choose me! Omg so excited and happy! I'm shaking right now because I just found out in this moment! I'm so thankful to them, Really happy they had time for Int fans...We really love them and support them so much. I really hope the best for them. Thank you so much GOT7 <3

                                                                 LOVE YOU GOT7 <3
Hope you all will be excited like me and congrats to the other winners... By the way can't still imagine how many albums did Tammy buy omg omg so many!!! Anyway, thank you for reading my super exciting post and see you on the next one.. bye <3

Sunday, February 2, 2014

BB cream compare (Skin79 Dream Girls bb cream, Shiny Pearl Water Drop bb cream, Oriental Gold bb cream Plus)

HELLO readers! Today I'll be comparing three different BB creams but from the same brand. The subjects are: Skin79 Dream Girls Beblesh Balm, Shiny Pearl Water Drop Beblesh Balm, The Oriental Gold BB Cream Plus. (really long names) So these are the BB creams. Lets go one by one with the descriptions.

Dream Girl BB cream: SPF30-PA++  Fresh and non-sticky O/W shape that contains Porous Power which prevents oily skin and keeps the skin soft, dry, and smooth for a long time, and it blocks UV A and B at the same time.
I was looking for a BB cream with these properties for a lot of time... We will see if it's true.

Shiny Pearl Water Drop BB cream: Gives skin radiant and attractive because of shiny pearl (lol). It also maintains skin natural and sheer look all day long by sebum care effect. Composed of 7 plants ecc..

The Oriental Gold BB cream Plus: KFDA 3 functions: Whitening /Wrinkle improvement /UV Interception SPF30 PA++   Keeps skin shining and lifting through whitening and wrinkle care effect ecc...

Lets see the packaging of all of them:

Shiny Pearl BB cream

How you can see it really shines! I didn't expect that much...I'm a little scared I would look like a vampire or something lol It's smooth and kind of watery and it's not sticky.

Dream girls BB cream

I really like the texture of this one because it feels light and easy to blend and not sticky. The colour suits my type :D

Oreintal BB cream

Not so sure about this but it's not so watery and the colour is doesn't match my skin and a little difficult to blend but it gives a smooth finish. It covers well. I think it needs it's time to change colour like most of bb creams, but I like this one too.

Here is how they come
I don't like the pump of the Oriental one because it's so messy :/

                                                                     colour comparing

What do you guys think of these BB creams?
What is/are your favourite BB creams?

My dream

Hello readers, how are you all? Did you all a nice week? well I did and guess what? I dreamed of Exo :D I can't remember the exact story but the only thing I remember is that I met Exo members on the street and shook hands with them and asked Baekhyun if I could hug him and he accepted. Omg it was so real!! I was so shocked... Really want this to be true... Could this me a sign? hehe hope so. Well here is a selca for you guys.

That day was so cold..

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Exo hoodies

This week was the happiest week of all. I received my Exo hoodies!! I bought them online and they are just perfect. I really wanted to buy some exo shirts and I'm just happy. I bought a Boy Who Cried Wolf hoodie in black and a Wolf 88 hoodie in red. The size is M and they fit me perfectly (I'm 1,64cm) I'm in love with them and will wear them all the time (well almost) So here they are

Aren't they super nice? 

Hope you liked this post and see you on the next one :D
