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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

HYUNA - '빨개요 (RED)"

Hello everyone. Today I wanted to review and comment Hyuna's new song RED. I'm a BIG fan of Hyuna. I just love her so much <3<3<3 Before anything If you don't know Hyuna she's a kpop idol born the 6th of June 1992. She's a member of the famous girl group 4Minute under the Cube entertainment. She's a rapper and a great dancer. She made a couple of solos like "Change", "Bubble Pop", "Ice Cream".... This month she made a comeback with this new solo called 빨개요 or Red. Before the Official MV came out Cube released 2 teasers : No.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2rRh_RbPu0&list=PL20BF5A01409000DD No.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8OvX8U_7r4&list=PL20BF5A01409000DD . Lets start from these two. You can see a lot of things going on here. Monkeys, bananas, bunnies, and Hyuna being so sexy! I fell in love with the song from teaser 1. and the choreography too! I almost learned it all just watching her MV and lives. Just with the teasers she received a lot of hate and mean comments all because they say that she looks too sexy and too weird. I have a lot of things to say here but I guess people have their own opinions. Going to the actual MV.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTXCgR93zC8&list=PL20BF5A01409000DD IT'S AMAZING. I love it so much, she looks so pretty and sexy and cute, all at once. There is a lot of going on. Monkey theme and at the end Egyptian theme. I can say that I love them both and can understand why there is the Monkey theme. The song's chorus says숭이 엉덩이는 빨개 빨간 건 현아 현아는 (yeah) that means: A monkey’s butt is red, Red is Hyuna, Hyuna is yeah. I think, from what I remember that this is a saying they say to children only that instead of Hyuna there is Apple. I really like the song too. It's really catchy and I love the sound of it <3 The choreography is really catchy too. I can't wait for them to upload the dance practice and make a dance cover of it :D ( yes if you didn't know I do dance covers :) I really love her clothes too! They're so sexy and pretty. I really like the red one she had and the one at the end with the snake print shorts. Talking about the end at the point where she turned into a godes, she looked so PRETTY!!!! The best part was when she was standing ontop of the banana and all the dancers were going crazy xD It wa so funny!!! So all the MV is SUPER cool and nice, the song is really good, she's really pretty. The whole things is just super cool. So all the haters can just go..... and go hate somewhere else. She's just perfect and they're too envious of her! I know it has a sexy consept but it's just like this, you have to accept it.... I kind of see the twerk in this song but it's not that noticeable. It doesn't bother me that much. If you watch one of her lives you can barely see her do it! 
I'll spoil some pictures from the MV. Just look at how pretty she is....: 

 Hope you're going to check this song out and love it as much as I do... I seriously can't stop listening to it!!!

Kpop Album update

I'm so happy to comunicate that I just bought 2 new kpop albums :D :D They're not even out yet so I had to preorder them and can't wait to receive them :DDDDD I bought Hyuna's new album and Block B's new album. I seriously can't wait

Asian Snack Haul

Hello everyone! From today I'll start making a haul of asian snacks I buy arround where I live. I'm doing this because I want to share with you all the things I enjoy eating sometimes (when I find them). So I whent to my local asian shop and decided to buy snacks. I really love asian snacks especially Mochi and Pocky. Unfortunatelly where I live they don't sell Pocky but mochi yes. I really LOVE green tea flavoured things, but as always they don't sell it here where I live. You may be asking how I know that I like them if I can't find any, well I tasted it for the first time when I whent to Milan. All I can say about Milan is that there are A LOT of asian stores, by a lot i mean A LOT LOT. From there I found out that I love them. Anyway I'll show you what I bought :D 

There are a lot of different things. So starting from left there is: 2 packs of seaweed crisps with different seeds, Taro mochi, 4 packs of noodle snacks, 2 are seaweed flavor, 1 original ramen and 1 BBQ flavor.
Starting from the seaweed crisps here is how the package looks like: 

   These have grain and sesame seeds in it                                 These have almonds and sesame seeds

Once you open the package you see this, long stripes of seaweed

It basically is a sandwich of seaweed and seeds. It tastes absolutely delicious. and they both look the same and kind of taste the same only that the grain one has a stronger seed taste, but really good. They are crunchy and light. Love them!

Next one on the list is the Taro Mochi. The box looks like this:

The inside looks like this:
How you can see 2 are missing because someone ate them :p 
If you never ate mochi, it is basically made of rise cake flour and the typical filling would be red bean paste but there are a lot of different fillings. They usually come in a round shape and covered in starch because their consistency is really chewy and sticky s to prevent it to stick they cover it in starch. You can easily make them at home with glutinous rice flour, salt, sugar and warm water.

This is the inside of the mochi and I can say that it's delicious. At the store there was peanut butter mochi, sesame seeds mochi and taro. I like them all a lot but still got the taro one.

Next ones are the noodle snacks:
I'm going to review 2 of them today because I opened these two and will do the others in a second time.

                These are Seaweed flavor                                                       These BBQ flavor
The seaweed flavor ones (how you can see in the picture) consist in noodles all crumbled and shaped in a candy shape with crumbled seaweed in it. They're really cruchy and a little spicy. They taste just like noodles xD The other ones actually don't taste like BBQ at all. They just taste spicy and that's it. :( But it's a nice snack to eat :D love it. I actually ate these before when I was in Milan :p

This is how they look in the pack

small and cute. I can say that they're big as a coin

This is it. I'm going to blog about the others in another post and I'm going to show you the things I bought from Milan :D Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, July 28, 2014

No heat curls

I'm pretty obsessed, now that my hair is pretty long, to curl it. I really liked curling my hair but I used to curl it with a curling wand because my hair was quite short and it was easyer BUT my hair was getting damaged, even if I was using heat protection. So my mom bought me this wierd tool. You don't need heat or other stuff, just clean, humid hair. This is the tool:

These are what I call "long curling wire thingy". What it is, is a long plastic.... I don't know what it is but basically it's made of plastic and it's really soft like foam with a metalic string in it so you can bend it. It's really easy to use it BUT one thing... They may be unconfortable to wear especially if you use them before going to sleep and keeping them overnight. I may not be the same for you but for me sometimes they're unconfortable, some day the're fine. It's up on the way I put them. I'll be putting a DIY of this once I redo it. 
I used them yesturday and took them off this morning and I took a picture of the result. 

In my opinion they turn out beautiful!!! I was never so happy of my hair. I have long, thin, straight hair and it worked perfectly for me. Since I have thin hair, the curls last pretty much untill I wash them. 

Plastic balloon day

I was really bored, so I called my neighbor to come to my house to play plastic balloon xD these are not the regular ones that you blow. These are the "make yourself plastic balloons" I saw this kit at the market and it cought my attention because....well I'll let you see yourself.

Hello Kitty xD hahahahah                                                      On the back there are the instructions.

I never tried them before so I was pretty excited to try them!!

So this is how the tube is. There is this thick paste in it and it was really hard to squeeze it out >_< 
So from what the instructions said you have to put some of the paste on the "straw or tube"(don't know how to call it) so it makes a half ball and then blow. So I did so and these are some ecamples of what came out :) enjoy

It was really hard to get it off of the tube (?) without popping it or making a hole. One time I blew it really big but couldn't manage to get it off so it popped ;( To tie it you just had to twist it and then pinch it.

I tried to make them fly but failed because they were too small and heavy but I liked to pop them at the end becaus they made a really loud sound xD

                              My friend kept doing heart shaped balloons not on purpose.... So nice 

                                                     Doesn't it look like a chili???? xD

And this is it. I hope you can try this out and have a lot of fun like I did :D 

Got7 "GOT❤️" album review

After waiting it for so long I received my GOT❤️ album! I seriously couldn't wait to get it and listen to it. So I opened it and here is how it looked like
This is the cover of the album 
The inside
How cute is the CD ❤️_❤️

Yes, I got Jackson. I spazzed so hard because it's the second time I get who I want!!!! Look at him... He looks so bad xD love him soooo much!!!! 

This album has 8 tracks: 5 songs and 3 remixes of "A". I can say that I love them all so much. 2 remixes are not my taste but one is so well done! My fave tracks here are "U Got Me" and "A".  As a crazy fan of them I HAD to have this album. I was a little disappointed on the album form. I was so suprised of their first one as a star shape. I was expecting it to be a heart shape but...no. It left me a little sad ( I look a lot the album estetic I don't know why... I just like fancy ones.), BUT the inside is the important part and that I got who I wanted I was more then happy :D I would raccomand this album to everyone especially fans and who likes a nice rythem and disco, mixed styles. It's hard to describe the style of it. I would rate it ✩✩✩✩✩

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My package to Tiffany in USA

SO 2 or 3 weeks ago my friend Tiffany from the USA sent me a package for my birthday. I was sooo excited I was spazzing crazy with my mom and my friend xD So in exchange I sent her my package and She received it today!!! We're gonna skype so I can see their reaction :D I hope she'll like it


Exo Overdose album review

SO today I wanted to review my Exo Overdose album. I received this album a long time ago and I really wanted to do it that time but couldn't. So anyway I wanted to share with you the album ^^ It came in a really big box with the big poster. Here it is :D

This is the outide of the album. Doesn't it look like made of iron? It looks so cool! 

This is the inside, There was the photobook, the CD and a member card and who I got...
When I opened the album and saw that I got Baekhyun I screamed like crazy because I love him so much.
I never got who I wanted but this time... I did. Love it so much <3 <3
The album has 6 tracks. I love them all! Exo never disappoint me on the songs, I always love them all and end up listening to only their songs xD My favourite one is Moonlight and Thunder. I'm so obsessed with them, I just love them. I would definitelly reccomand this album. I'm a big Exo fan so I HAD to have this album. I don't regret buying it, It was worth the money (I didn't even spend a lot) I Would rate this album  ★★★★★ Love it

Monday, July 14, 2014

L.joe's dogs, Kan and Dong

Look at these two little cute dogs, aren't they adorable? This was L.joe's twitter post.

I seriously can't get who is Kan and who is Dong, is there a trick? 
Anyway look at them, look at the clothes he putted on them. hahah so cute! ^^

Got7 Meet&Greet signed album review

I don't know if you remember but some months ago I participated at the Mwave Meet&Greet with Got7 and they chose me as a winner :D So today I wanted to share my prize. I'm still really happy and excited even tho a lot of time passed. Can't really get passed the fact that they signed and touched it >_< (crazy fan time) hahaha

Yep this is the signed album <3
Love love love them<3