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Monday, September 29, 2014

Handmade Felt Macbook Case

How you may all know I received a new PC. I was inspired to make a case for it, and so I did :D
What do you think about it? It took me quite a lot of time to make it but I'm proud and happy of it :D
I really like to make felt things such as bags, plushies, makeup bags...

 This is the inside

 This is a little plushie I made to attach on the case

Do you like it? I did my best! It's all hand sew. I think it turned out pretty cute and well made :D

Birthday Present for my class mate (18 years old)

The 23rd of September my classmate Demi was born. So I decided to make her a present since 18 years you only do them once and here is considered a really important time because you become indipendent and you can move out from you parents and all.
Here is what I made for her:

 Can you guess what I gifted her?? :P

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Red Chatouche attempt (hennè)

I got so tired of my current hair color so I wanted to attemp a new one. I wanted to try the chatouche. If you don't know what it is, it's a decoloration of your hair. They bleach your lower part of your hair and you get the two/three color effect. Right now I have dark red/purple hair, died with the hennè. If you don't know what that is, it's a plant and you can find it in powder form where you can dye your hair. You just mix it with hot water and apply it on your hair. This is the way I do it because it's natural and it doesn't ruin your hair, it actually helps it! So the problem with the hennè is that you can't dye your hair with the chemical way because it reacts with the hennè in your hair making it fall or turn green(?) (not sure of this tho) But, you can dye it if your dye is old! Anyway I wanted to attempt doing it with the hennè, dying the lower part of my hair a lighter red. So yesturday I tried it but it failed. I only applied it on the points, but you can't see the color difference, so I thought of dying my upper part (roots) black or a darker color. I'm not sure when I'll try doing it but will updat about it.
This is what I wanted to get:

I really love the chatouche on natural brown hair with blond chatouche.
But I wanted to do the purple one... I guess I'll have to try more times and hope it'll turn out fine....

New school, new life (+ Macbook pro unboxing) First Impression

How I said multiple times I started school the 9th of September. I'm currently going to a new school. It's an international school. It's basically like studing abrouad in UK or USA. I kind of feel that this school is made for me because even tho I have 8 periods of school I still enjoy them all and never get bored! We'll see in the future xD Anyway I started school so I had to buy new things. In this school you can use your iPad and PC and some subjects require them. The problem was that I had a PC but it broke long time ago and couldn't fix it so I told myself I had to buy a new one, but my mom provided to buy one for me <3 I told her I was going to buy a Macbook and so she did! She bought me a Mac book Pro, the new one. I'm so excited to have it!! I always dreamed of having one and now I finally have it! THANK YOU MOM <3<3
I want to share with you my unboxing. Here it is :D

 This is the box it came in!

 Here is the inside, it comes with a charger, adaptor and instructions.

 Here it is! Doesn't it look so cool!
The one thing I found different is that they don't write anymore "Macbook Pro" on the screen. I kind of find it better. I like it like this! 
I never had a macbook before so I found it amazing! I love the pad and the screen is amazing!
I already bought a case and a bag for it.... and something else... hehe
It's not very heavy! It's thin and really easy to carry it.

Anyway I'm so happy to have it, even tho I need to use it for school, but who said that I can't use it for other things... hehe
I kind of don't know for what to use it but.... I guess I'll figure it out in time

Friday, September 12, 2014

D.I.Y.- Tropical Green Mango smoothie/ ice cream Recipe

Are you in a mood of having something tropical or want to feel the tropical taste? Well you're reading the right recipe. This recipe needs a few ingredients and you can make it in 5 mins! Lets start!

-1 frozen mango (you can use fresh but if it's frozen it'll give a much more creamy texture)
-Half a banana
-Half a cup of Soy milk (can use any milk)
-Baby frozen spinach (can use kale or fresh spinach leaves)
- 1tbsp sugar (or any sweatner)
-1tbsp chia seeds

-First of all if you want to have a very creamy texture I raccomand you freezing the fruits and spinach for at least 4-5 hours or even better overnight.
-Combine: mango, spinach, banana, (sugar) and milk into a blener.

-Blend very slowly to prevent the blender to brake untill smooth. It'll turnreally creamy, almost like ice cream
-Serve and you're done!
-Add in the chia seeds and enjoy

Wasn't this recipe really fast and easy to make? It has only a few ingredients but these make the smoothie delicious. I really enjoy this smoothie in the morning for breakfast or just for a snack.

I hope you can enjoy this recipe as much as I did and have fun combining different things together to make it into an awesome smoothie!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

100 posts! + polaroid update

I didn't even realize that I posted 100 posts! That is a lot! (even tho this is the 101 xD) I kind of feel proud and happy. This means that I'm pretty active here :D I'm looking forward in more posts :D
So for this event I'm going to show you my polaroid update :D

D.I.Y.- Vegan Banana, Berries Green smoothie recipe

Today I'll be sharing a new healthy smoothie recipe :D It's not actually green... You'll see
Are you ready to enjoy a fresh, cold, healthy smoothie? Well then lets start!

-Half a frozen banana
-1 or 2 handful of berries (I used frozen ones)
-1 or 2 handful of spinach (you can use baby spinach. I used frozen spinach)
-Half a cup of soy milk (can use any type of milk)
-1tbsp chia seeds
-2tsp sugar (or any sweatner of your like)


-First of all if you don't have frozen bananas or berries make sure to put them in the frezer overnight or at least for 4 hours before using them. Like this our smoothie will be very cold and almost like ice cream form.
-Take out the banana, the berries and the spinach (can use fresh spinach) and put them in the blender.
(btw I got a new blender!! Was sick of the small one I used :D)

 -Add the milk and blend untill smooth. Be careful to not blend it right away but blend it slowly because you don't want your blender to break.
-If too sour for your taste add in the sugar.
-It should turn really creamy texture, almost like ice cream. If you prefer it to be more liquidy then add more milk
Surve and You're DONE!
-Whensurved add in the chia seeds (really good for your body)

Wasn't it easy and fast? You can drink it in the morning, for breakfast, for a snack. It just goes well anytime. I really like it because it's a little sour and sweet. I left mine really creamy and drank it with a straw. Just delicious! Really healthy and simple :D

Isn't the color really pretty?
It's not actually green but still :D Pretty!

I hope you enjoyed and can try doing it and hope you can enjoy it with me :D

Grandparents shocking present

A week ago my grandparents visited my house telling me they would give me a little present for passing my exams. (I feel so lucky) They came and my grandfather handed me a container. I took it and almost broke my hand because it was o heavy! I was so shocked of what it could be, so I opened it and saw like 100 2 euro coins. They were A LOT! And I mean it! He told me to count them and pile them up. So I did. I counted them and they were 340 euro. THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY! Once piled the coins didn't look so many but they actually were a lot of money! I was so shocked and thankful. He even told me that he saved them for a lot of time. Well not that much but still. Everyday he kept on adding in coins and so on. I'm willing to continue what he did :D
Anyway this is what they looked like:

The piles are of 10 each... Yep a lot of money :D
I'M RICH! jkjk

TEEN TOP(틴탑)_Missing(쉽지않아) TEASER #2 (Reaction)

Yes, you are reading it right. Teen Top released Teaser #2!!!! I was quite suprised they did! In this teaser you can taste a little of the choreography. They are using chairs (like in "Lovefool" choreo), standing mics, caps...a lot of props! They look so mysterious and cool dancing with caps.
Their clothes are so manly! They make them look even more handsome! They don't have those crazy colored clothes. Just chic ones <3 Love them <3
Talking about the choreo, in some parts it looks so sexy... >_< I have to prepair myself for the actual MV. I can fell it'll have sexy shots and moves...
By the way, there is no sign of the girl... I think teaser #1 was for the story part and #2 for the actual choreography and scene place. Talking about it, it looks kind of an old scenario or an old school. It's a really dark scenario. I think it's supposed to give you the sad feeling. Maybe a breakup and the guy "missing" the girl feeling...
I'm really looking forward to the choreography a lot because I want to see if it's hard like "Rocking" I bet it's not...but still hoping for it to be good (of course it will).
I think in this MV there is a deep meaning behind it... When it'll be released I'll for sure try to find it out (there might not be any meaning tho xD)


                                                                       CAN'T WAIT!!!                       
^ If you haven't checked the video out here it is ^


New Header

Did you guys see my work for my new header? Doen't it look better? :D I worked hard on it (even tho it was pretty simple) Of course I had to dedicate it for my bby xD <3
This new header suits better my blog theme, pink.
Isn't L.joe so handsome with that new hair color? I LOVE IT SO MUCH <3<3 I hope he'll keep it for a long time, even tho I doubt, he always changes it >_>
Tell me what you think about my header :D I had so much fun doing it <3 Unfortunatelly I can't post the original here because I don't want people stealing it... sorry

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

D.I.Y- Granola Recipe

Are you out of celerals in the morning or you just want to eat something healthy and fast with your milk or yougurt? Well you are reading the right post.
Today I'll be sharing with you my granola recipe. You can simply buy granola at the supermarket but you don't get to choose what it goes inside! Lets get started!

(Depending on how much you want to make the quantity may change)
-100g oats
-150g puffed rice
-50g sesame seed
-60g water
-100g sugar
-1 or 2 tbsp maple syrup (can use honey)
(you can add any other seeds or even dried fruits, as your taste)

Lets Start:
-Preheat the oven to 160 C°
-In a pan add water, sugar and maple syrup. Heat it untill it melts.
-Conbine oats, puffed rice, sesame seeds... together in a bowl and mix.
-After the sugar melted wait for it to cool and then add it to the bowl and mix well
-Lay ,on a larg oven pan, parchment paper and pour the mixture on the pan. Spread well.
-Cook for 15 mins
-After mix it well and lower the temperature to 150 C° and cook for 10 mins
-When the granola will have a nice honey color it'll be ready.
-Take it out and let it cool.
You are done!

Wasn't it easy? You can make this while cooking the banana bread or any other things in the oven :D
You can keep it in a jar and it'll last a long time.
An easy, fast, healthy recipe.
I like to eat mine in my yougurt or simply by it's self. It's just so tasty and delicious! :P

Here is how mine turned out:

 I didn't have a simple jar so I had to use one already used....
 Doesn't it look so good??? YUM. I feel like having some now :P

Hope you can try my recipe and enjoy it with me :D

TEEN TOP(틴탑)_Missing(쉽지않아) TEASER #1 (Reaction)

Finally today Teen Top reliesed the first teaser of "Missing" Ok in these 0:29 sec is going on a lot of things....
First they were in Budapest... How cool is that??? The city looks so amazing!
Second thing that made me pause... was CAP sitting with the girl.... I got so shocked I still get shocked everytime I watch it. Then he's freaking naked, destroying stuff and in pain. How sexy is that???
The thing that worries me that CAP said was to watch out for L.joe's acting... What will happen in this video???
L.joe in this video was extremely HANDSOME! Like really handsome. Banging on the door ♡ Hanging with that girl... tho... it bothers me so much >_< I don't even wanna know what happened.... I'm so jealous! When he saw her under the bed.... omg no... don't want to know...
From what we can see CAP and L.joe are the main actors. I seriously can't wait to see it all and see L.joe's acting... but at the same time really scared of what could happen.... You never know what L.joe agreed on doing... >_< My mind id going crazy!!! Just by this short teaser my mind is thinking of weird things...
Talking about the song it sounds good. We all just have to wait for the MV..  

Can't wait!!!!! FIGHTING!!!!! ♡_♡



^ Check out the video ^

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Exam Gift- PS4- Infamous Second Son unboxing, review

How I said I passed my exams. For gift my dad bought me the PS4! I was so excited I couldn't resist buying it and whent the same day to buy it xD So we whent to Gamestop and asked for it to the worker. Omg he was so annoing. When we where deciding on the color he kept saying to buy the white one, even if I really didn't like it (it gets dirty easily), but he kept saying that it's prettier and all. This is not it! We were about to pay for it when he asked us to do the 4 year protection on it. That would be 50 euro... We didn't want it but he kept asking and asking for it... like really.... ANNOING...! Finally we left with my PS4!!! (after like 1 hour of talking....) Of course once we arrived home I opened and tried it out :P I was too excited I forgot to take pictures. I did it now so.. I guess it's fine. Shall we see?
This is how the box looks like

This is the inside...it's empty... xD
There is one thing I didn't take out is a pair of earphones. It's actually for one ear... I think it's for you to hear the controller. Yes it makes sounds xD

  This is the game <3

 This is how the controller looks like. How you can see there is a touch botton in the centre. Yes it's the touch pad. It's super cool. For example in the game Infamous there are some parts where require (almost all) to use it. You have to swipe it or pless or just touch it. 
There aren't anymore the Start and Select buttons, only Option and Share...
The other cool thing is that it has sound, almost like the wii controller, but much cooler. 
The effects are great.
In the middle there is the PS symple. You use it to go to the main menu or open the console.

 This is the actal console. Doesn't it look so futuristic and fancy? It looks so modern and awesome.
The cool thing is that the power and the eject button are touch! How modern is that?
Talking about the main menu... I might see if I can do some pictures of it.
The only bad thing of the console is that I think it has a small antenna for wifi, I mean it doesn't connect to the wifi if it's too far. I had to put a wire and another thing (don't know how to call it) to make it work (LAN) :/ But it works so now it's fine :D
This is it. I would rate this ☆☆☆☆☆+ lol
I just love it so much. Unfortunatelly there aren't so many games for it yet so I have to play the same over and over, totally fine with me :P


So finally they gave us the track titles and the teaser reliese!

 I seriously looking forward to it!

 These are the tracks. Other then that the picture... under...omg...WHY so handsome!!!!
Look at them! O_O ♡_♡
After that the track "LOVE U" is actually L.Joe's song!!!!
Can you see it??? LOVE U, this is what he wrote to fans on twitter! That is why he didn't write it in any different ways! I really think it was because he was in the middle of producing it or writing it and because he loves us so much ♡
I'm really looking forward to it! I feel like it's a slow song or it might be super cool... who knows.
Can't stop looking at them... How can I wait untill tomorrow????
Aigooo >_<

D.I.Y- Vegan Banana Bread Recipe

Are you out of ideas for a nice healthy, vegan and fast breakfast? Here is a quick recipe for you.
Today I was really into baking and cooking so, searching vegan on YT I found out about banana bread. It seems like it's really popular among who wants to stay healthy and all. I searched a lot and ended up making up mine. It may sound random but it turned out VERY DELICIOUS. I'm not even joking. It was really good. So lets get started

-4 ripe bananas
-370g all purpose flour (you can useother types. I used buckwheat flour)
-125g sugar
-125ml of milk (you can use almond, soy milk. I used banana soy milk. YUM)
-1tbsp of oil (you can use coconut oil... I used sesame oil)
-1.5 tsp baking powder
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-Pinch of salt
-3tsp cinnamon

-Preheat the oven to 180C°
-Get a bread pan on a cake pan. Grease it with oil to prevent it to stick.
-Peel the bananas and mash them in a bowl.
-After mashing the bananas add in the bowl oil, sugar, cinnamon and mix well. (you can mix untill smooth with a blender or just leave some chunks likt I did)
-After mixing add flour, milk, baking powder and baking soda.
-After mixing it well pour the mixture in the pan and bake for 30-40 + mins (for me it took more than 40 mins. Just keep checking the bread with a toothpick.)
-When baked, take it out and you're done!!!

This was pretty easy right? You can eat it for breakfast, cold, worm, in the milk. It's just awesome and DELICIOUS. I'm enjoying it to much in the morning. Can't wait to eat it tomorrow. This bread will last you a week maybe less (if you don't eat it before xD) Keep it in a container or in a cloth so it won't harden. (not sure if it will)
This is how mine tunred out:

Doesn't it look so good? I kind of feel hungry right now....
I'm so happy of the result. It wasn't even THAT hard to make! Really easy, fast, healthy food.
What else would you want. If you eat it after baked I can say that it's the BEST. Even the next day it still tastes really good! 

Hope you enjoyed my recipe and try it out :D


I passed my exams!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!! I gave my best and did it!!! All my relatives, parents, family is so happy for me (even more than me xD) We can finally finish the papers for the new school :D
Congrats to me!!!
bye bye :D