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Saturday, November 29, 2014

GOT7 "하지하지마(Stop stop it)" Dance Practice #2 (Crazy Boyfriend Ver.) Reaction + Dance Practice #1 link

Hello guys. Today I'll be reacting to GOT7 "Stop stop it" Dance Practice. But this isn't any other Dance Practice.... It's the CRAZY BOYFRIEND VER.! I thought that the Dance Practice was so sexy... and that it wouldn't get worse.... but I was WRONG! Oh my... this Ver, here is definitely worse! You can totally feel it from the start... I thought, well how worse can it be... Well... after I watched it I felt like I made love to 7 guys... like really! There is A LOT going on in this video...
Lets start from the beginning... The first thing I noticed is how Youngjae likes his hair so much... Hahaha jk i mean look at him touching his hair... oh my.... >_< and staring at the camera... with his sexy face... (and here my feels started growing a little). This is only the start....
Then right after Youngjae, you can see Mark hugging him from the back... And here my feels started going crazy! How cute and sweet that hug looked! I'm going crazy!!! and it's been only 20 sec... Can you imagine Mark hugging you like that? That is how I imagine him hugging a girl... That sweet face of his... >////<
Then comes in JR...attacking the camera with his endless cuteness. He's so adorable! Then comes in Mr. JB.... How much I could say about him... I was literally spazzing over him. I so love his facial expressions so much and how he was literally flirting with the camera the whole video! Omg he's so sexy!!!! The Group hug after his part was so adorable! I love them so much because of this, they can be so spontaneous... LOVE THEM <3
Oh mama mia... Youngjae again??? Those actions full of passion... that hand... those gestures... >_< and then JR comes back moving Youngjae by his armpit. Hahahaha that was so funny!! 
In this video there are so many close ups of the boys's faces... and then doing so many expressions... making me scream and cover my eyes.... And here comes in Mr. Flirty.... Jackson... Omg I love him so much! He's so cute when he pretends to touch our "faces" xD So sweet >_< <3<3 I so felt like he was talking to me! I love his face!! Right after him... Mark... Him too made my feels rise up like crazy... In my opinion (from what I felt) he looks cute... but he's so manly... <3<3 So handsome!!!
Did I mention how adorably cute Yougyeom looks? He's soooo cute! His gestures are soso cute ^_^
Bambam.... why... why so sexy.... he's damnly cute but when he wants he can be so manly! Those camera angles... and his gaze... oh gosh....
The last part was the best when they were all dancing so strongly...and Jackson and Mark screaming <3<3<3  I so love their personalities...<3<3
In this video the one member who caught my attention was again Leader JB... I loved his movements so much and him.... so sexy!
Overall I loved this Ver. so much. Them wondering around, messing with each other, harassing the camera...loved it! I love this side of them... They definitely looked like they had so much fun, they were all smiling all the time. :D
I came to an end that in my opinion the member who would be a perfect boyfriend...would be....Mark because he looks so sweet and cute, handsome and manly...all together.
Even tho all of them would be a perfect boyfriend... They all have different personalities, for example I really like Jackson's personality so much <3 and JB's sexyness. (I just think Mark would be more in the girls average bj... xD ) but I LOVE them all so much... <3<3
In the end...
JB- Sexy love
JR- Aegyo love
Mark- Sweet love
Jackson- Goof ball love
Youngjae- Fierce/sentimental love
Bambam- Manly love
Yougyeom- Adorable love 


They also made a Dance Practice (normal ver.)


Thursday, November 27, 2014



I wish you all a nice day and dinner :D

I'm thankful for everything I have in my life, my parents and family, all my friends. Thank you for giving me a lot of love and support, thanks for listening me whenever I was feeling bad,
thanks for being there for me.
I love you all!

#happychanyeolday #HappyVirusDay HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANYEOL!

Today is another special day.... IT'S CHANYEOL'S BIRTHDAY!! He turned 22! (23 in Korea) . Time is flying so fast!!!
I'm not going to write much but focus on... picture spam!! xD I'm so excited for him! Everybody on twitter is wishing him a happy birthday and posting pics of him <3 I hope he'll see all our love <3 If you haven't done that yet, get some time and help trend the hashtags! #happychanyeolda  #HappyVirusDay

How much love and support he gets from noonas...is just amazing...
Those ears...love them <3

So cute!!!


 Handsome even when he was little...

So nice that Exo celebrated his birthday :D

 Fan art


How can he be so handsome... >_<   <3<3

Chanyeol, I wish you a Happy Birthday and a wonderful day/life full of health and happyness. 
Never forget to always keep the smile of yours <3


Sunday, November 23, 2014

My letter to L.joe, Happy Birthday

Dear L.joe Oppa,
I want to wish you a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish you'll have/had a beautiful day.
This was actually not the thing I wanted to say.... I want to tell you a lot of things but unfortunately I can't, since we're so far away and you won't even see this "letter". It's really depressing and sad for me because I "liked" you for so long and I didn't even have a chance to see you in person. I seriously am doing my best to grant this wish of mine... Who knows maybe one day I'll go to you or you'll come to me... I actually don't even know your real personality so I cannot really say that I "like" you. But there are a lot of things I like of you. I can only see the one you want to show threw cameras or videos and not always it's totally true. I would really like to know the real you. Angel threw fan signs, talk to you and all, feel you and understand how you are, but all I get (and most of Angel) and feel is that you're charismatic, hot tempered, kind to girls, cute, handsome, good rapper, PERFECT (for me) and that I'm not quite sure how you would like a girl to be, to reach your like, but all I got was, she has to take care of you.
To communicate there is SNS like twitter where you post your pictures, what you're doing and what you're thinking. Every time you post a selca or picture of you I feel like you're sending it to me, so please continue to do so. It's just a world full of joy when it happens :D Another thing is that you always try your best to reply to Angel, even tho it's in Korean and you're so busy you do it anyway, and you did reply in English a few times too! :) It's REALLY REALLY difficult to get a reply from an Idol! I wish one time you'll reply to me too... (He loves us so much!!) You even made another Twitter account just for us! You give us the best service! Hope you'll continue to talk to us :D
The thing I love so much of you is that you love Angel so much! Maybe he doesn't show it so much because he's shy but how I said before you can see it and feel it at the fan meetings. You can see how he always has his attention to the fan he has in front of him, and looks to him/her in the eyes, his lovely eyes <3 to show his total focus on her. You even said that you would date an Angel... :]
You're basically my world, you're all around me, in my phone, on my walls, on my books, on my computer, but most of all in MY HEART. I feel like I'm a crazy fan because every time I see you I feel so happy :D I'm so happy you've changed to become better and you're doing your best!
I want you to continue this to become what you like to be and don't forget to always be happy and to stay strong. Never give up!
If you ever need help or love just tell Angel (or you mama ^^) We'll give you all the love you need. We'll never leave you and Teen Top! It's been so much time together and we have to grow this relationship. We're a whole big FAMILY ^_^ o don't forget to watch over you and be healthy!
Lets all do our best!
I have a whole lot questions to ask you... >_< it would be so nice to ask them to you... Oh well, maybe one day I'll have a chance!
To end it I Wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again xD) and have a lovely day. I know we have a big age gap but hope one day you'll consider me as a good fan ^///^


#LJoeHoney22ndDay, #LoveUByunghoney HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY HONEY BYUNG

Hello guys! Someone's birthday has already come... It's someone that is very important for me... and that I love SO SO SO MUCH... Today is MILEY CYRUS'S BIRTHDAY!!!..... No I was joking... xD (can you believe they share the same date!) Today is L.joe's birthday!!! It's my baby's birthday!..... I'm so happy but yet so sad...Can you believe it that he's already 21 years old (22 in Korea)! We have 5 years of difference.... :P
I feel so sad and don't actually feel good because I didn't give/make him anything >_< I'm such a bad fan/wife xD. Last year I did send him something. I sent him a shirt (that was really expensive) and a birthday card. I was scared it never arrived to him ;( so this year I decided not to send him something. I feel... like my heart is broken. I wish I could give him something.... Wish I was at the fan sing to tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!..... This is the most depressing day ever! BUT....I still have.....TWITTER!!
Did you Angel wish him a happy birthday with the 100 # there were? (jk) Since I know he doesn't like spam on SNS I Tried not to spam him too much but simply write it here :D
I've decided to write a letter to him....but not here in this post :P Here I'll spam pictures of him <3


Angel! Do you remember this??? His Audition!

I feel so strange while I watch it! It has been ages since the last time I saw it. 
He looks so small and he's so young! 
I just watched it now and it felt like the first one.
He's so cute!!!!
If you see him now... he's totally different! What puberty does.... :P

Totally the same xD

So small....<3<3

Fan Art

So many cakes! They're all so lovely 

He's always so cute ♡_♡


The only time we'll see him bare chested....

I really hope he'll have a wonderful Happy Birthday with a lot of LOVE!
Teen Top uploaded an OnAir video of his birthday where you can see Teen Top celebrating it at a fan sign event. 
It was so kind of them to give him a cake in front of all the fans... :D
They even celebrated it on stage :D I bet Angel sang him the Happy Birthday song.

LOVE U so much!!!