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Thursday, November 27, 2014

#happychanyeolday #HappyVirusDay HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANYEOL!

Today is another special day.... IT'S CHANYEOL'S BIRTHDAY!! He turned 22! (23 in Korea) . Time is flying so fast!!!
I'm not going to write much but focus on... picture spam!! xD I'm so excited for him! Everybody on twitter is wishing him a happy birthday and posting pics of him <3 I hope he'll see all our love <3 If you haven't done that yet, get some time and help trend the hashtags! #happychanyeolda  #HappyVirusDay

How much love and support he gets from noonas...is just amazing...
Those ears...love them <3

So cute!!!


 Handsome even when he was little...

So nice that Exo celebrated his birthday :D

 Fan art


How can he be so handsome... >_<   <3<3

Chanyeol, I wish you a Happy Birthday and a wonderful day/life full of health and happyness. 
Never forget to always keep the smile of yours <3


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