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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Block B "H.E.R." Album

Right now I received a package!!!! And decided to share it with you. You know what it's about from the title :P It's Block B's new album.
 This is how it looks:

Doesn't it look so girly and pretty? <3 ^^
The cool thing of this album is that to open it you have to take the hanging string and lift it up.
It has like a magnet! So cool! It looks like a jewel box.

This is how the inside looks. There is the photo book and adressing card game... Adorable.... Unfortunatelly I didn't get the person that I wanted but still I love the idea!

 This is the CD. It totally looks amazing!!
In the CD there are 6 tracks.
All of them are really good! There is even a rough ver. of Very Good and it sound like rock style.
Really cool!
There is Jackpot too and the other 4 are new song.
My favourite song is HER :D Just love it so much.
I would raccomand buying this album because it's worth the money and waiting for it!
I would rate it ☆☆☆☆☆

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