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Monday, August 4, 2014

Monster High Rochelle Goyle Doll

Today I'm going to share my first Monster High Doll. I really wanted to buy one and so I did. I bought it for one reason, to do a faceup. I really wanted to try doing it because I really love these type of dolls but I don't like their faceup.... I saw a lot of people doing it on YT and I found it AMAZING. They turn out so pretty!!! But it's not that easy, even tho I'm pretty sure I can do it! :D So I'm going to show you her now and a AFTER picture. I really hope she'll turn out pretty. I can't do it today because I need to buy colored pencils :/ but can't wait to do it!! I'm really into doing this stuff and looking forward to do more and buy more dolls and clothes :D

So here she is:
Here she was in the box

Out of the box:

Here is how she looked right out of the box, her hair was tied and her fringe was hard and her hair was sticky. I really didn't like it so.... I washed her hair and untied it. She looks way prettier now.
The thing I really like of her is her hair, her ears and her body. She's supposed to be a Gargoyle so her body is made to look like marble so you can see tiny bits of darker gray. It's so cool! In the pictures you can't see them a lot but there are. 

Her accessories were so pretty, and her dress and hair too.

And here she's ready for a faceup. I'm going to restyle her hair again to make it prettier :D
She's so pretty even now, but she'll be prettier after.
I can do a tutorial on how to do a faceup :D

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