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Monday, August 18, 2014

Eye lash extension experience

This morning I whent to get eye lash extensions. I whent to my friend's house and her mom did them to me because she 's testing them. It's pretty popular arround the world especially in Asia but here where I live not really. My mom had them done before me from her and they looked so pretty on her so I really wanted to try. This time she did them longer. I can tell that laying down for 3 hours, all still was painful, but when she was putting them on it didn't hurt at all.
First of all she cleansed my eye to make sure it didn't have anything on, then she put under my eye, on the lower part, a protection so I wouldn't get glue all over my eye. From there she started. One by one she glued them with a black glue. I don't know how she putted them on because I couldn't see myself... It totally didn't feel anything. I was relaxed :D After 3 hours she was almost done but my body started to ache and my mom had to pick me up so she said she would continue another day, but once I saw them... WOW they are SUPER NICE!!! They look so real!!! and they're really long. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I'm really thankful to her, doing it on me :D Thank you so much!!!! She said it takes more time for me because I have a lot of lashes because there were small ones she had to do but it would of taken a lot of time. I have them on for almost 4 hours and they didn't make any problem.. I can barely feel them. I feel them when I look up because they touch my lid... yeah that's how long they are. I'm totally in love with them right now!!! I'm gonna treat them like angels. There are a lot of things you have to keep in mind when you have them: Don't put mascara, if you are wearing makeup with the lashes, remove it with a non-oily makeup remover, try to avoid rubbing or soap. I really want them to stay for a long time. They usually last 1 month I think or more...not sure. I guess it depends on how you treat them and of the glue.
I took some pictures before and after I had lash extension. Here they are:



There is a HUGE difference!!! I totally look like I have makeup on... like seriously... I'll wake up and not worry about doing my makeup... or maybe just wearing a little bit... LOVE LOVE THEM!
She said it takes more time for me because I have a lot of lashes
I totally racomand (if available in you place) to try them. If you don't like them I guess they can remove them or they simply fall by their self. I think you would never regret having them ^^

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