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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Coincident....or Destiny EX0 car

I usually don't care a lot about cars and all but this time.... I'm in love with one.
I'll talk about a strange things that happened. 
We thought a lot about changing car.... I really hated the one we had before.... And so 2 months ago we decided to get one. We ordered a Renault Captur in white. I really liked it just by looking at the picture.... We never had this type of car. I was pretty excited!!! Yesturday it finally was ready to bring home, but I wasn't there to go and get it so my parents whent without me. After I came back home I was curious to see it, BUT more then anything I wanted to see the number plate of the car. We always had weird car plates. I whent to check and.... I thought I was going crazy or my eyes were doing strange things but there was written EX 0____ on it. I WHENT CRAZY!!! My parents where shocked too when they saw that because they knew I liked them and they wanted to see my reaction. XD 
The funny thing is that they didn't choose it. It was purely casual. I don't know if this is a coincident or destiny.... I think it's destiny! It almost looks like they're calling me!!! I think/I hope it means that I'm gonna meat them really soon. But for now I have the EX0 car! Woooow. I still can't believe it!!! It feels strange! Anyway I love it! This car is made for me xD
Here are some pics of proof and to show you how awesome this car is:


Just wanted to show how cool they are.

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