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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mountain Trip (Day 3) Last Day

Yes.... We came to an end of my lovelly trip to the montains :( So sad...Wish we stayed more... Anyway lets go with pics :D

Next we were on our way to Sapada and we stopped to see this waterfall called" Cascatona" 
It was so pretty! You could only see the river and at the end it whent under the rock. We couldn't see much because they closed the path maybe because it was too dangerous :/

I'm bnot sure if you can see but here is the waterfall. In real it looked so cool!

Afterwards I insisted in seeing were the river Piave started/ is born. There was a big "pond" with a big sign ( look at pic). I even took some water from there :p It was cold but good! By the way here we were at a very high atitude!

This is what I saw while we were walking up a path. It was almost like climbing a mountain.

After all this we were very tired... On our way home I slept with my doggy <3 
I wish I could go back there...
And so this is the end :D

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