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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

D.I.Y- Vegan Matcha ice cream

From a long time I've been eating ealthy and staying away from sweets, cakes ecc... even ice cream. I really felt like eating some yesturday so I tried to make it myself. I searched how I could make it and found out this recipe. You won't need any egg, cream, flour... nothing like that. Only a simple banana and another fruit or flavour you want your ice cream to be. I'll be using matche powder to make green tea ice cream. Using banana is MUCH more healthy for you and it gives you the natural sweet and creamy taste. Don't worry if you hate or don't like bananas, you can barely taste them :D .
All you need is:

2 big bananas (I used 1 for one serving)
A blender
2 tbsp Matcha powder (or strawberry, chocolate, or the flavour you want it to be)

Lets Start:
First of all feel the 2 bananas and slice them. Put them in a container and freeze them (i raccomand doing this the night before) After 2-4 hours take them out (making sure they are completely frozen)

This is how mine looked

After taking them out put them in a blender, add matcha powder (or other flavour) and strat blending them untill it turns soft, smooth and creamy. 

Take out of the blender... And you're done :D Ready to serve

I really love it... I never thought it would be so good! It's creamy and cold the right way!!!
I would raccomand consuming it in 1-2 days.
Yum yum :P

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