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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mountain trip (Day 2)

9/08/14- Today morning we whent at Sauris to go and see some typical shops. It was quite far. When we arrived there what we saw were arround 9 shops....they all sold used things or handmade. They were cute! But unfortunatelly we didn't buy anything. Our next stop was at (can't remmìember the place) where we saw a BIG river and it was so strong and the water was so pretty and it was green.
I wanted to share with you the place I stayed. Isn't it cute?? My grandparents even named it my house :D

After words we whent to visit a museum of the 1st or 2nd world war.... It was pretty small but it had a lot of things to see...pretty interesting ( i was bored anyway)

After we had lunch and I'm so proud I remembered to take a pic of the food. It was DELICIOUS :p
The first pic is what I got and it's a strange dish. It's pasta made of polenta. IT WAS LIKE HEAVEN! It had sausage in it and tomatoes. The second pic is what we ate all together. We HAD to get it because it was typical of this place (Sauris) THE CHEESE WAS AMAZING!!! You could feel it melt in your mouth and it was so good! I want to eat it NOW!!

After we went to see the river and damn it was strong and cold! We didn't stay there a lot because of the bad weather... ;(

I don't know why I took this but... yeah

More food yeah!!!Here we were eating dinner. We ordered meat, salad, cheese and mushrooms. YUM!

This is the end of day 2. I had a lot of fun!!! 

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