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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Water Theme Park with my friends

The 1st of August my friends and me decided to go to a water theme park. It seemed like it wasn't the best day to go because the day before it was cold and it rained but we whent anyway. We left at 8:00 and arrived at 9:40 (?) It took quite a bit to go there. After we arrived there there was noone so we were the first :D We go there every year and we always end up waiting 1 or 2 hours to enter because of all the people in line.... and best of all under the boiling sun... The theme park opened at 11:00 so we had to wait. All of a sudden the sun came out and it was so HOT! After a lot of suffering and leg hurting ( we had to wait standing) we entered! It wasn't a big suprise because I already whent there like 5 times but still it was amazing. We had a lot of fun going on the slides multiple times. This we couldn't do it in the other years because there were too many people and we had to wait 30 mins to get to do the activities and all, but this time we did them all a lot of times :D I was so happy because I was with my bestfriend. I feel a little sad now because we won't see eachother so often like we did but I'll do my best! I really miss her. Anyway I took some pictures of the theme park:
This theme park was called 

I hope I'll go back next year and have a lot of fun <3

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