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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mountain trip (Day1)

8/08/14- Today me and my family whent on a trip to the mountains. The location is called "Forni di Sopra". It's a small Village, where you camp and do what you want xD We're staing in my grandparent's trailer. I really love to stay here because it's totally different from living near the sea... Today we walked quite a lot but I'm not THAT tired. We didn't see a lot of things because the Village is small but I still took pictures arround :D We whent to eat in local places but forgot to take pictures >_< Tomorrow I'll remember! We didn't do much today but the things we saw were Daebakk! I really like the feeling of the mountain, the air is totally different.

These were some houses in the village. Don't they look so pretty? Look at the flowers too!!

The water was sooo beautiful... but cold 

Here it was at a huge park. It was so nice to walk there, the grass was so soft and the air was so good. There was a lake too were we saw ducks and swans. Here my dog had his first time walking with us on his own.... he's such a good dog <3


 They looks so cute!!! They were eating under water and you could see their butts going up... hahaha so cute xD


Here we whent to eat out... we ate delicous things I was so happy

And here we saw my friend Bob the spider.... just kidding. I saw this HUGE spider hanging on the wall... It was so big I decided to take a picture and send it to my friend... He looks so scary!! I was even scared to take a picture because I zoomed in so much it looked like he was so close to me >_<

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